Sunday, May 24, 2009

Improvement and Progression

This is what the Spirit taught me in the Williamston Ward sacrament meeting. President Owen was teaching:

If I do everything that I did today, in terms of my scripture study, reverence toward sacred things, etc, and then projected it out 70 years from now, or even a thousand years from now, would that place me where I want to be? Would that lead me toward a path back Home?

In Alma 34:34 Amulek teaches us that "the same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that you go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world."

When Sister Finley was teaching she spoke about our relationship to Christ. How is my relationship to Christ right now? Is His image engraven upon my countenance? If not, is that where I want to be a thousand years from now? Can I say I am Christ's friend? Would He say I am His friend?

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